
Contains objects for representing planning problems, planning algorithms, and plans.
  • Class
    A totally ordered plan which is built from end (last step) to beginning.
    A planning domain is a reusable set of action templates called Operators that describes all the ways the state of the world can change.
    A totally ordered plan which is built from beginning (first step) to end last step).
    A heuristic is a function which estimates how much work remains to be done to convert a partial solution to a problem into a complete solution.
    The entry point for the planning application.
    An operator is an action template that describes one way to change the world in terms of its precondition (what must be true before the action can be taken) and effect (what becomes true after the action is taken).
    A plan is a sequence of step for achieving a goal.
    Planner<S extends Search>
    A planner is an algorithm which solves a planning problem by finding a plan.
    A planning problem exists in some Domain and defines the initial state of the world and a goal to be achieved.
    A result contains information about how and why a search succeeded or failed.
    A search is the process of exploring some space while looking for solutions to a problem.
    Project settings
    A step is a single ground action in a plan which changes the world's state.
    A assortment of useful methods.