
Contains objects for representing logical formulas.
  • Class
    An atom is the smallest indivisible unit of a logical language that has a truth value.
    An individual statement that has a truth value (the atoms of propositional logic).
    A set of assignments of values to Term terms.
    The parent class of all Boolean expressions, whose truth value is defined by combining other expressions.
    A conjunction, or logical AND statement, is true just when all of its arguments are true.
    A constant represents a specific unique thing.
    A disjunction, or logical OR statement, is true just when one or more of its arguments are true.
    The parent class of all logical formulas.
    An implementation of MutableState that uses a HashMap to keep track of which atoms are true.
    A substitution which uses a HashMap to keep track of substitutions.
    An implication, or logical IF statement, is defined by the truth value of its two parts, the antecedent and the consequent.
    An implementation of Bindings based on a linked list.
    A literal is an Atom or a negated atom.
    A state which can be modified.
    The negation of an Atom.
    Represents the negation (or opposite) of a proposition.
    The atoms of predicate logic, which are composed of statements that express relationships between things in the world (i.e.
    A proposition is any logical formula with a truth value.
    A state fully describes the disposition of all things in a world.
    A substitution defines that certain formulas should be replaced by other formulas.
    A term is a reference to an individual thing in the world, and does not have a truth value.
    A variable represents a placeholder for a Term.