
Contains assorted helpful objects.
  • Classes
    A more convenient representation of command line argument based on keys and values.
    An object that allows an array to be treated as Iterable.
    Iterates through all the elements in an array.
    A directed acyclic graph (or DAG) whose nodes are of a given type.
    Represents a single directed egde in a DirectedAcyclicGraph.
    An array whose values cannot be modified.
    A list of objects which cannot be modified.
    A min priority queue which, instead of using a Comparator, allows the user to specify a numeric key that should be associated with the item being added to the queue.
    Logic for displaying simple 2-dimensional tables of data.
    An individual unit of data in the table.
    A vertical sequence of cells.
    A horizontal sequence of cells.
    The abstract parent of Table.Row and Table.Column.
    A tuple is simply an array of Objects implemented such that two tuples are the same (i.e.
    Assorted helpful methods.