
Contains objects for representing plan graphs and planners that search for a solution by finding a valid subgraph of a plan graph.
  • Classes
    Represents a specific level of a PlanGraph, and contains only those nodes which exist at this level.
    Represents a unique literal, or fact, in a plan graph.
    The abstract superclass of LiteralNode and StepNode.
    Represents a plan graph node at a specific level.
    plan graph is a data structure that compresses the state space of a planning problem into something that represents possible future states.
    A planner which searches a PlanGraph for a subgraph that represents a solution to a planning problem.
    Represents the two-phase search process of a PlanGraphPlanner.
    Represents a unique step, or action, in a plan graph.
    Represents a specific subset of nodes in a plan graph.
    This class represents the second phase of a PlanGraphSearch, in which we search for a subgraph of a plan graph that represents a solution to the problem.
    This class represents a specific subgraph of a plan graph during the search for a subgraph which represents a solution to the problem.
    A special subclass of SubgraphSpaceNode representing the root node of the search space.