CS 115 Homework and Lab Assignments Spring 2021

Please CHECK your machine for the correct Python version!

Due Dates for Homeworks: Homeworks are due by Wednesday midnight. If you turn it in after Wednesday midnight but before 9 am on Thursday, you will lose half the points at least. If it is any later than 9 am, you get no points.

Due Dates for Labs: The lab is due at the END of the lab session. Work submitted later will NOT be graded.

Comments about teams

Homework and Lab Assignments

If you picked the wrong section in your Zybook

Zybook Exercises Individual work Due Dates

Zybook exercises will be due on Wednesdays at midnight. If they are not turned in by then but are turned in by 9am the next morning, they get at most half credit. After 9am, they get zero points.