CS 115 Information about Lab Test 1
This is about the 115 programming test scheduled for
Monday, March 8. It will be held in the Zoom meeting at your regular
scheduled lab time. The link is the same as the one you use for Lab.
- This is the test procedure followed.
- You can use any kind of paper text you wish. It is open note, open book, open Zybook.
- You can use the help in the Python IDE.
- You are NOT allowed to communicate with anyone during the test, either orally
or electronically. All cell phones must be turned OFF. This is an INDIVIDUAL test.
- Flash memory sticks are allowed. You are allowed to use the Internet.
- Canvas will give you a URL for your test problem at the time the test starts.
- You will have until the end of the lab period to create a working program to solve the given problem.
So don't be late coming to the test!
You will not get extra time!
The only comments required are your name, your section and your
uky.edu email address at the top. Of course, you can put in more if it helps you.
- You do NOT have to demonstrate the program to the TA.
- The test will have its rubric on Canvas which you can look at during the test.
- When you are finished with your program, you
use the Canvas link to submit the .py file.
- You can submit as many times as you wish, the last one will be graded.
- The test will be worth 50 points (it is weighted at 10% of the final grade).
- Even if you don't get the program finished, submit what you have
done. You may get partial credit even if it doesn't run.
If your submitted file is timestamped after the end of the lab period, it will lose 10% of the
possible points for every minute late, up to 5 minutes late.
Then it will not be accepted at all.
The program will be graded on:
- Does it run?
- Does it meet the problem specifications?
- Does it produce the correct output?
- Does it do the job as simply as possible?
- Are constants and variables used appropriately?
- Are prewritten functions/libraries used appropriately?
- Are control structures like ifs used correctly?
Topics you should be familiar with:
- assignment statements
- arithmetic operators
- input and output statements
- formatting floats on output
- if statements (else, nested, independent, elif)
- for loop
- accumulator
These are the instructions that appear at the top of the test.
CS 115 Lab Test #1
50 Points (10% of final grade)
You are allowed to:
- Use any kind of printed text you wish. The test is open note, open book. You can use your Zybook.
- Access the notes and Powerpoint slides on the 115 class web site.
- Access any page on the Internet which is not communicating with another person.
- Submit the program electronically as many times as you wish during the lab period. The last one submitted will be graded.
You are NOT allowed to:
- Communicate with anyone except Dr. Keen and your TA
during the test, either orally
or electronically. NO TALKING IS ALLOWED. This is INDIVIDUAL work.
So no social media, no Skype, no instant messaging or texting or email.
- Discuss this exam with anyone else
in the class until ALL exams have been given.
This is part of academic integrity.
- Use your cellphone at all.
- Submit anything to the test, once you have left the room.
- Use Python 3.x.
- Name the file "LastnameFirstname.py" using your name.
- Report any hardware trouble to your TA immediately.
- Use the Canvas link to submit your program electronically
when you are finished with your program.
- Submit your program by 10 minutes before the hour.
Every minute after that time that you submit late,
you will lose 10% of the possible test score for each minute up to 5
minutes late, then we do not accept it at all.
- Follow the commonly established style and format conventions of the class.
You should:
- Save your work periodically.
- Submit what you have done, even if you don't get the program finished.
You may get partial credit even if it does not run.
- Check the rubric on the Canvas page before you submit.
Program Specifications
- You must have a main function and all your code is inside it.
- Your program must generate output that matches the sample runs below.
- Use good meaningful variable names.
- Use only things that we have done in class.
- Logic should be efficient, with no redundant tests.
- Division by zero should be prevented.
- Output should be formatted to 2 places.
- It must have a comment at the top with name, section, email.
- You can have other documentation if it helps you.
- Turn it in even with syntax errors, it may be worth a few points.