CS 115 Lab 8 Random numbers, While Loops and Graphics (Team)

90 Points

Due Date: Monday March 29 at the end of lab

use the Canvas link to submit the team's work

Educational goals of this lab - verify that every student can


(90 points) Team Problem:

Description of problem:

This program will be a guessing game "Find the Mystery Point". The program picks a random point on the screen (no fair picking one OFF the screen!) It allows the user to click on the screen to see if they can find the mystery point. The way they 'find' it is to come within 10 units of the mystery point, distance calculated by a function given below. The user is informed how many guesses they have taken so far and how far away they are from the mystery point. They keep clicking until they find it. The program tells them they found it.

(10 points) Problem #1: Complete a test plan.

(10 points) Design

Design is given. Write three P's as usual.

Sample run:

(70 points) Implementation:

If you do not attend lab, you will NOT get the points for the Team Problem, even if your team does submit a solution!