Class StateSpacePlanner<S extends StateSpaceSearch>

Direct Known Subclasses:
BackwardPlanner, ForwardPlanner

public abstract class StateSpacePlanner<S extends StateSpaceSearch> extends Planner<S>
A planner which searches the space of states for the solution to a given problem.
Stephen G. Ware
  • Constructor Details

    • StateSpacePlanner

      public StateSpacePlanner(String name)
      Constructs a new state space planner with a given name.
      name - the name of the planner
  • Method Details

    • makeSearch

      protected S makeSearch(Problem problem, SearchBudget budget)
      Description copied from class: Planner
      Given some problem to be solved, and search budget in which to solve it, this method constructs the appropriate kind of Search to solve the problem based on this planner's technique.
      Specified by:
      makeSearch in class Planner<S extends StateSpaceSearch>
      problem - the problem to be solved
      budget - the search budget, which specifies the maximum number of nodes the planner may visit and maximum amount of time the search can take
      a search object for solving this problem
    • makeStateSpaceSearch

      protected abstract S makeStateSpaceSearch(StateSpaceProblem problem, SearchBudget budget)
      Given some state space problem to be solved, this method constructs the appropriate kind of StateSpaceSearch to solve it based on this planner.
      problem - the state space problem to be solved
      budget - the search budget in which to solve it
      a state space search object for solving this problem