Class StateSpaceSearch

Direct Known Subclasses:
BackwardSearch, ForwardSearch

public abstract class StateSpaceSearch extends Search
Represents a search through the space of states.
Stephen G. Ware
  • Field Details

    • problem

      public final StateSpaceProblem problem
      The state space problem being solved
    • root

      public final StateSpaceRoot root
      The root node of the search space (i.e. a plan with 0 steps)
  • Constructor Details

    • StateSpaceSearch

      public StateSpaceSearch(StateSpaceProblem problem, SearchBudget budget, StateSpaceRoot root)
      Creates a state space search for a given problem.
      problem - the problem whose state space will be searched
      budget - the maximum number of states that may be searched and the
      root - the root node of the search space maximum number of milliseconds the search may take