CS 115 Spring 2021

Lecturer: Dr. Debby Keen

Teaching Assistants

Please check Canvas CS 115 front page for meeting links

Quick Links
Contact Info Office Hours   Syllabus  
Homework, Lab, Zybook Assignments   Program Assignments  
Python References and Tutorials Section Times
Textbook Information Course Schedule
Direct Link to Zyante.com Lectures for Spring 2021
Lab Teams for 115, Lab 8 and after If you are tempted to use something
we have not done in class
Useful Readings Student Resources at UK

January 20Computer History video and a look at Dr. Moore:) Please watch this - you are responsible for its contents.
February 25Lab Test 1 details on March 8, Monday
March 1Details of the Midterm Exam, March 18, 11 am (1-5) or 6 pm (401)
March 23Midterm Exam summary results
April 19Lab Test 2 Monday, May 3 during lab times
April 21Please check your final exam schedule
April 21Dr. Keen's finals week schedule
April 21Details about Final Exam including study questions

What's Due? (This gives just a few words about assignments - see the assignments for DETAILS!) (applies to all Sections)
Zybook 3 PA and CA from Chapter 3, 3.1 and 3.2 and Wednesday, February 10, midnight
Homework 3Friday, February 12, midnight

Lectures from previous semesters

Interesting and Useful readings

Useful Class resources policies, procedures, etc. Bypass Exam information

Useful Content resources examples, tutorials, etc.

a Fix for Mac Computers and WingIDE

Location for graphics.py for both PC and Mac

Students without cell phones

Interesting article about CAPTCHAs