ὅτι | it is said that |
καὶ ζήτει ἐν τῳ̂ | also look under the entry for |
διφορει̂ται | spelled in two ways |
φυλάττει | preserves (sc. omega in the oblique cases) |
συστέλλει | shortens |
ἐκτείνει | lengthens |
κατ' ἀντίφρασιν | euphemistically |
Περὶ ὀνομάτων | concerning nouns |
πτώσεις | cases or inflections |
ἔγκλισις | declension, inflection or any derivative form |
ἡ εὐθει̂α | the nominative |
γενικῃ̂ | in the genitive |
δοτικῃ̂ | in the dative |
αἰτιατικῃ̂ | in the accusative |
δυϊκω̂ς | in the dual form |
χωρὶς ἄρθρου | without an article |
τῳ̂ τόνῳ ὡς | with the same accent as |
Περὶ πνευμάτων | concerning breathings |
δασέως [δασύνεται, δασυνόμενον] | with a rough breathing |
ψιλω̂ς [ψιλου̂ται, ψιλούμενον] | with a smooth breathing |
Περὶ γενω̂ν | concerning genders |
θηλυκω̂ς | feminine |
ἀρσενικω̂ς | in the masculine |
οὐδέτερον | neuter |
ἑνικω̂ς ορ ἑνικὸν | singular |
πληθυντικω̂ς | plural |
περὶ ῥημάτων | concerning verbs |
περὶ συζυγίας | concerning conjugation |
παρατατικός | imperfect |
ὁ μέλλων | the future |
ἀόριστος | aorist |
ὁ παρακείμενος | the perfect |
ὑπερσυντελικὸς | the pluperfect |
ὁ παθητικὸς | the passive voice |
ὁ μεσότης | middle voice |
ὁριστική | indicative |
ὑποτακτική | subjunctive |
αὐθυπότακτον | aorist subjunctive |
εὐκτικω̂ς | in the optative |
προστακτικω̂ς | in the imperative |
ἡ μετοχὴ | the participle |
ἀπαρέμφατα | infinitives |
τὸ τρίτον | third person |
Ἰακω̂ς | Ionic |
Ἀττικω̂ς | Attic |
Περὶ συγκριτικω̂ν | concerning comparatives (and note that Περὶ
plus the genitive is often the title of a treatise, Concerning Something or
Other) |
ἐπὶ | + gen. anthrop: in the reign of |
ἐπὶ | + gen. otherwise: in reference to |
βασιλεύς | (in Roman contexts): emperor |
ὕπατος | consul (and ὑπατικός consular) |
ανθυπατος | proconsul |