Suda On Line: Byzantine Lexicography
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Copyright and Citations


The translations and annotations in the Suda On Line are covered by a Creative Commons 'Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License.' For the details of this license please see the Creative Commons website. Basically this means that you are free to cite and quote any material from our database for any non-commercial purpose without further permission from us or the translators, as long as proper bibliographical credit is given to the Suda On Line and to the translator(s).

Citing translations

Translations of individual entries are cited by the reference numbers given to the entry in the Teubner edition of the Suda edited by Ada Adler. To cite to a single entry in footnotes, insert a URL in the following format into your preferred method of citing online sources:

where letter refers to the name of the Greek letter under which the entry occurs (e.g. alpha, beta ... omega. Note: lower case only!), and "number" refers to the Adler reference number of the entry. For instance, here is how to cite the SOL translation of the entry for Apollonius of Rhodes (alpha 3419 Adler) using the MLA format for source lists:

"Apollonius." Suda On Line. Tr. Peter Green. 19 January 2005. 7 August 2007 <>.

Note that Greek words beginning with certain diphthongs are listed separately in the Suda from words beginning with plain vowels. Cite the Adler numbers of such entries as follows: alphaiota, epsiloniota, omicroniota. You can find a full list of headwords in the Suda along with their Adler reference numbers on this page.

Citing an entire body of work

For CV's, etc., Translators and Editors of the SOL can refer to their entire body of work for the project with the following URLs, where idname represents that login ID that you chose when you registered for the project (lower case only!).

Entries you have edited:

Entries you have translated:

Suda On Line SOL Start Page
This document was last updated Tuesday May 21, 2019.

Quick Links:
SOL Home | SOL Help | Writing Greek in Betacode | List of Headwords and Adler numbers | Search the Greek Text of the Suda | Lexical and Grammatical Terms in the Suda | Greek Numbers | MLA Citation Style | Standard Abbreviations for Journals | LSJ Abbreviations for Ancient Authors and Texts | Perseus Texts and Abbreviations

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