If you have a conflict with this test, you must follow the University policy that says the highest numbered class is the one to reschedule. IF that instructor refuses to give an alternate time, get it in writing and bring that to Dr. Keen to arrange an alternate time for 101. You MUST contact Dr. Keen by Friday, April 29, in order to arrange an alternate time.
Below are the instructions that will appear on the
top of your test. Read them now!
CS 101 Final Exam Spring 2022
250 points possible
You had to show your ID to be admitted to the exam. It is a closed note, closed book exam. No electronic devices of any kind may be used during the exam. No looking at other sources is allowed. There should be no communication with other people during the exam. No baseball caps may be worn during the test. Take your time. Read all answers, and then pick the one best answer. Multiple choice answers are worth 4 points each. Handwork questions are labeled with the number of points they are worth.
The tests will be graded as soon as possible. We grade by hand. The final exam grades will be posted on Canvas as soon as possible. The final grades will be posted on the Registrar's page no later than Monday, May 9.