Slides that would be good to know for the Final Exam
Programming Basics
3-5, 9, 11, 14-17
Alice (first set of slides) (red background)
2, 4, 7-8
Database Principles
2, 5-10
Database Validation and Creating tables in Access
Database Relationships
2-5, 10
Database Queries
2-3, 6-8
Database Objects and Miscellaneous
8-9, 11
More about Databases
2, 5-9
HTML/WWW History
2-3, 9-10, 12-13
HTML primer
3-4, 6, 9-13, 17-19, 22, 25-26, 31-36
Internet / The Web
2-4, 6-8, 11-12, 16-17, 23-26
Privacy and Security