CS 115 Summer 2017

Introduction to computer programming

Welcome to CS 115

This course teaches introductory skills in computer programming using an object oriented computer programming language. There is an emphasis on both the principles and practice of computer programming. Covers principles of problem solving by computer and requires completion of a number of programming assignments. In this course we use the popular Python programming language.

Instructor: Tawfiq Salem
Office : Davis Marksbury Building,Lab 304
E-mail : tawfiq dot salem at uky dot edu
Class Web Page: http://www.cs.uky.edu/~salem/cs115
Office Hours: Monday 11:00am- 1:00pm at my office & Wednesday 10:15am-11:15am at RGAN 103

Have a look over what other people think about programming?


I hope you are now exicted to be in this class.
Welcome to CS 115.