Fuhua (Frank) Cheng - Publication

Recent Publications:

Centripetal Model:

  1. E.T.Y. Lee, "On choosing nodes in parametric curve interpolation",
    Computer Aided Design, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp.363-370, July/August, 1989.
  2. Shene's remarks on Centripetal Model

Manuscript formats:

  1. ACM TOG format
  2. ACM TOG
  3. Computer Aided Design
  4. Computer-Aided Geometric Design
  5. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

Sites to get journal impact numbers and DO links:

  1. Resurchify
  2. DO links

Sites to get citation numbers:

  1. citeseer.ist.psu.edu
  2. www.citeseer.com
  3. citeseer.nj.nec.com/
  4. www.citeseer.org/
  5. wos.isiglobalnet.com
  6. http://ccc.isiglobalnet.com
  7. wos.isiglobalnet2.com (Japanese Site)

SCI cited Journals:


  1. LNCS, Springer
  2. Info on booking writing, Springer
  3. Elsevier's reviewer site for CAGD
  4. Elsevier's reviewer site for Graphical Models

Facial Reconstruction:

  1. Beeler's 2010 SIGGRAPH paper
