
My areas of research include artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and scalable data science. I am particularly interested in unsupervised learning, zero-shot learning, and conversational AI. I investigate emerging research topics in open-domain natural language interfaces and knowledge-grounded response generation, and build reliable and practical solutions that can seamlessly adapt to new unseen domains on-the-fly. Moreover, I am interested in exploring opportunities to leverage NLP and ML methods across disciplines.

My research has appeared in top venues such as WWW, SIGIR, KDD, CIKM, and VLDB.


  • Received NSF Grant as PI with Brent Harrison (co-PI). III: Small: Toward User-Centric Task-Oriented Dialog Systems via Zero-shot Adaptation and Personalization; Amount: $599,898; Start Date: 9/1/2024, End Date 8/31/2027. Details
  • Received Planning Grant from NSF as co-PI with Simone Silvestri (PI) and collaborators from Penn State University. Planning: DCL EPSCOR: CISE Large: Distributed Edge Intelligence in Support of Next-Generation Applications; Amount: $100,000; Start Date: 10/1/2024, End Date 9/30/2025. Details

Selected Publications

Journal / Other Publications

Graduate Students

Current Students

Adib Mosharrof
Moghis Fereidouni
Muhammad Umair Haider


Ayesha Siddiqua Dina (Co-adviser: PhD '23 Assistant Professor at Florida Polytechnic University)

Professional Experience

University of Kentucky

08/2021 - Present: Assistant Professor

University of California, Riverside

09/2017 - 06/2021: Graduate Student Researcher

University of Management & Technology, Pakistan

09/2009 - 08/2017: Lecturer


Ph.D. in Computer Science
09/2017 - 06/2021

University Of California, Riverside
Advisor: Professor Vagelis Hristidis

M.S. in Computer Science
08/2008 - 06/2011

Lahore University of Management Sciences, Pakistan

B.S. in Computer Science
08/2003 - 01/2008

International Islamic University, Pakistan

Teaching Expertise

  • Natural Language Processing with Deep Neural Networks
    Spring '22, Spring '23.
  • Machine Learning
    Fall '21, Fall '22, Fall '23, Fall '24.
  • Algorithm Design
    Fall '23, Fall '24.
  • Intermediate Topics in Database Systems
    Spring '24.

Service & Outreach

  • Program Committees
    ACL RR 21-24, NeurIPS 21-24, ICML 20-24, ICLR 21-25, WWW 21-24, ACM KDD 23-24, AAAI 22-25, CIKM 22-24, IEEE ICSC 22-24, IEEE Big Data '24.
  • Mentoring
    Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Graduate Summit, UCR 2020.