Traffic Stop: Interactive Stories for Virtual Reality Training
Traffic Stop is a virtual reality de-escalation training simulation for police officers. You play as an officer who has pulled over a car for speeding and discover that the driver might be in danger. The behavior of the non-players characters is decided by an intelligent narrative planning algorithm that reasons about millions of possible futures and how characters should react based on their hopes and fears. The story has several elements that can be intelligently changed during play to allow the storytelling AI to ensure that following best practices leads to a good ending while not following best practices results in a bad ending.
- Measuring presence and performance in an intelligent virtual reality police use of force training simulation prototype. In Proceedings of the 32nd AAAI international conference of the Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society, pp. 276-281, 2019.
- Intelligent de-escalation training via emotion-inspired narrative planning. In Proceedings of the 13th Intelligent Narrative Technologies workshop at the 18th AAAI international conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment, 2022.