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Headword: *zh/nwn
Adler number: zeta,79
Translated headword: Zeno, Zenon
Vetting Status: high
Son of Mnaseas or Demeas, from Kition (Kition is a city in Cyprus),[1] a philosopher who started the Stoic sect. And he himself was called Stoic due to his teaching in the Stoa in Athens, the one at first called the Peisianax's, then later after it was painted the Poikile.[2] He was a student of Krates the Cynic,[3] then of Polemon the Athenian.[4] He died at 90 years of age after refusing nourishment each time it was offered, until he perished of weakness. It was prophesied to him when he inquired of the oracle concerning [sc. the best] life that he should go skin-to-skin with the dead; that is, with the ancients, through their books.[5] He was called "Phoenician", because the Phoenicians were colonists of the town [sc. Kition]. He was at his peak in the days of [King] Antigonos Gonatas,[6] in the 120th Olympiad.[7]
And [there is] a proverb: "stronger than Zeno". For this man held to an extremely ascetic way of life, so as even to enter the realm of the proverbial. For this man was pursuing a novel philosophy. He really did excel over all men in constitution and majesty and by Zeus also in his blessedness. And in fact in addition to that he completed 98 years disease-free and he died healthy.
Greek Original:
*zh/nwn, *mnase/ou h)\ *dhme/ou, *kitieu/s [po/lis d' e)sti\ *ku/prou to\ *ki/tion], filo/sofos, o(\s h)=rce th=s *stwi+kh=s ai(re/sews. e)peklh/qh de\ kai\ au)to\s *stwi+ko\s dia\ to\ e)n th=| stoa=| th=| e)n *)aqh/nais dida/cai au)to/n, h(/tis prw/|hn me\n *peisiana/kteios, u(/steron de\ zwgrafhqei=sa *poiki/lh e)klh/qh. maqhth\s de\ h)=n *kra/thtos tou= *kunikou=, ei)=ta *pole/mwnos tou= *)aqhnai/ou. e)teleu/thse de\ e)tw=n #4# a)felw\n e(ka/stote th=s trofh=s, e(/ws a)toni/a| diefqa/rh. e)xrh/sqh de\ au)tw=| punqanome/nw| peri\ bi/ou sugxrwti/zesqai toi=s nekroi=s, o(/per h)=n toi=s a)rxai/ois dia\ tw=n bibli/wn. *foi=nic d' e)peklh/qh, o(/ti *foi/nikes e)/poikoi tou= polixni/ou e)ge/nonto. h)/kmazen e)pi\ *)antigo/nou tou= *gonata=, e)pi\ th=s k# kai\ r# *)olumpia/dos. kai\ paroimi/a, *zh/nwnos e)gkrate/steros. ou(=tos ga\r a)/kran ei)=xe di/aitan kai\ lith\n w(/ste kai\ ei)s paroimi/an xwrh=sai. filosofi/an kainh\n ga\r ou(=tos e)filoso/fei. tw=| ga\r o)/nti pa/ntas u(pereba/leto tw=| te ei)/dei kai\ semno/thti kai\ nh\ *di/a makario/thti. kai\ dh\ h# pro\s toi=s #4# biou\s e)/th kate/streyen a)/nosos kai\ u(gih\s diatele/sas.
For general discussions (and bibliography) of Stoicism and Zeno see the web address 1 and web address 2 below; also Julia Annas in OCD(4) pp.1587-8, under Zeno(2).
For the material of the present entry cf. Diogenes Laertius 7.1-3, 27-28.
[1] kappa 1684.
[2] sigma 1150.
[3] kappa 2341.
[4] pi 1887.
[5] cf. alphaiota 76, sigma 1313.
[6] alpha 2659.
[7] 300-297 BCE.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: architecture; art history; biography; chronology; daily life; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; food; geography; medicine; philosophy; proverbs; religion
Translated by: Ross Scaife ✝ on 26 November 2002@16:09:00.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (supplemented and modified translation; augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 27 November 2002@03:37:33.
David Whitehead (supplemented translation) on 27 November 2002@08:53:10.
David Whitehead (added note) on 28 November 2002@06:02:59.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaking) on 30 November 2012@03:38:53.
Catharine Roth (deleted link) on 3 December 2012@00:12:45.
Catharine Roth (tweaked note) on 15 August 2013@00:40:08.
David Whitehead on 5 August 2014@05:49:23.
David Whitehead (modified tr) on 1 April 2023@06:17:22.


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