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Search results for zeta,58 in Adler number:
Adler number: zeta,58
Translated headword: being struck by envy, being struck by jealousy
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [This means] envy/jealousy [arising] out of suspicion; a man's suspicion against another, a scoundrel, concerning his own wife.[1]
Iamblichus [writes]: "she was also full of her former jealousy, and in consequence of this fact she got more courage. So when she took to the road, she said 'the first contest is finished; let us have the second; for we trained opportuntely'."[2]
Polybius says: "indeed a certain rivalry had seized most of them engendered by the ostentation and bad taste of the others: they prepared very earnestly their attendants and their dresses; and there was in the majority a show of splendour beyond their means, but no account to their arms at all".[3]
Greek Original:*zhlotupi/a: zh=los e)c u(ponoi/as, tou= a)ndro\s kata\ th=s oi)kei/as gunaiko\s ei)s e(/teron a)selgh= u(po/noia. *)ia/mblixos: h( de\ mesth\ me\n h)=n kai\ th=s e)/mprosqen zhlotupi/as, prosei/lhfe de\ kai\ th\n a)po\ th=s pra/cews eu)tolmi/an. w(s ou)=n e)la/beto th=s o(dou=, o( me\n prw=tos a)gw/n, e)/fh, dihgw/nistai: e)xw/meqa de\ kai\ tou= deute/rou. kai\ ga\r e)n kairw=| gegumna/smeqa. kai\ *polu/bios le/gei: toi=s ga\r plei/stois u(peregego/nei ti\s zh=los e)k th=s tw=n a)/llwn a)lazonei/as kai\ th=s a)kairi/as: e)spou/dazon ga\r ta\s a)kolouqi/as kai\ ta\s e)sqh=tas diafero/ntws. kai/ tis h)=n peri\ tou\s plei/stous kallwpismo\s u(pere/xwn th\n e)k tou= bi/ou xorhgi/an: o(/plwn de\ ou)de\ to\n e)la/xiston e)poiou=nto lo/gon.
See also
zeta 59, for the verb related to this noun.
[1] This primary gloss is taken from the
Synagoge (246.25). It is used also by
Lexicon zeta34 Theodoridis, but with
a)ne/ros transmitted for
a)ndro\s. (Theodoridis obelizes the word.)
Stephanus s.v. defines
zhlotu/pia as:
proprie quidem illa invidentia, qua fit ut rivalem in amore mulieris pati non possumus; "specifically, that envy, because of which it occurs that we cannot stand a rival in the love of a woman."
Babyloniaca fr. 70 Habrich.
Polybius 11.8.4; cf. already
alpha 1056. (Unconnected with love.)
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; gender and sexuality; historiography; history; women
Translated by: Stefano Sanfilippo on 1 June 2005@15:20:24.
Vetted by:David Whitehead (tweaked translation; x-refs; more keywords; cosmetics on various levels) on 2 June 2005@03:10:41.
David Whitehead (x-ref; another keyword; tweaking) on 29 November 2012@05:47:03.
Catharine Roth (typo) on 2 December 2012@01:07:41.
Catharine Roth (tweaked note) on 29 May 2018@00:53:30.
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