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Search results for zeta,30 in Adler number:
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Headword: *ze/sas qumw=|
Adler number: zeta,30
Translated headword: seething with anger
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning he who was] inflamed in the soul.
Greek Original:
*ze/sas qumw=|: e)cafqei\s th=| yuxh=|.
Same entry in Photius, where Theodoridis proffers two passages comparable, though not identical, with the headword phrase: Gregory of Nazianzus, PG 36.560b (from Oration 43 [ze/sai te ple/on tw|= qumw|=]; Procopius, History of the Wars of Justinian 2.8.7 [ze/wn tw|= qumw|=].
For the verb ze/w, cf. zeta 27, zeta 42, zeta 48.
Keywords: biography; Christianity; definition; ethics; historiography; history; imagery; medicine; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 15 May 2005@21:40:57.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented note) on 16 May 2005@03:17:12.
David Whitehead (expanded note; more keywords) on 29 November 2012@04:25:18.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 2 December 2012@00:32:01.
David Whitehead (coding; another keyword) on 24 March 2016@05:12:14.


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