[Meaning ones] being weighed on a balance.
*zugoforou/mena: e)n zugw=| staqmizo/mena.
Present passive participle(s) in the neuter nominative/accusative plural. An entry found in
Synagoge zeta247, also in
Photius and elsewhere; it derives from
Hesychius zeta198 (but singular there).
A verb
zugofore/w is very rare, and a different meaning of it, 'I draw by a yoke of oxen', may occur in
Preparatio Evangelica 1.10 (quoting Herennius); that, however, was considered by H.
Stephanus (see
Thesaurus s.v.) to be a corruption of the form
cf. generally
zeta 187,
zeta 189,
zeta 192.
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