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Search results for zeta,166 in Adler number:
Adler number: zeta,166
Translated headword: alive, living
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning one that are] visible in bodily shape, not dead.[1]
Sophocles [writes]: "since I see that for men of experience comparisons of counsels are the most alive."[2] That is, I see that amongst men of discernment the fortunes and the results of the counsels are alive and not dead. [Thus, 'is alive'] stands for does not fail, but rather hits upon a good result.
Greek Original:*zw/sas: e)nargeste/ras, ou)k a)pollume/nas. *sofoklh=s: w(s toi=sin e)mpei/roisi kai\ ta\s cumfora\s zw/sas o(rw= ma/lista tw=n bouleuma/twn. toute/sti e)n toi=s sunetoi=s ta\s suntuxi/as kai\ ta\s a)poba/seis tw=n bouleuma/twn o(rw= zw/sas kai\ ou)k a)pollume/nas. a)nti\ tou= ou) sfa/lletai, a)lla\ tou= a)pobhsome/nou stoxa/zetai kalw=s.
[1] The headword participle, feminine accusative plural, is extracted from the quotation given.
Oedipus Tyrannus 44-45. Comment from the
scholia there follows here (perhaps unhelpfully: see LSJ s.v.
sumfora/ for the view that
Sophocles meant the word to be construed as it is translated here).
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; tragedy
Translated by: A. G. Kozak on 12 October 1999@19:55:38.
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