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Search results for zeta,138 in Adler number:
Adler number: zeta,138
Translated headword: Zonainos, Zonaenus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: He wrote erotic letters, and about ball-playing. Also attributed to him are other, rustic letters, but they fall short of his literary style.
Greek Original:*zwnai=nos: e)/grayen e)rwtika\s e)pistola/s, kai\ peri\ tou= sfairi/zein. fe/rontai de\ au)tou= kai\ e(/terai e)pistolai\ a)groikikai/, a)ll' a)popi/ptousi tou= xarakth=ros.
Keywords: athletics; biography; daily life; gender and sexuality
Translated by: A. G. Kozak on 1 June 2002@18:04:24.
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