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Search results for zeta,122 in Adler number:
Adler number: zeta,122
Translated headword: live-capture
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Herodotus [writes]: "[Harpagos] took Histiaios by live-capture [...]. He was captured alive in this manner: [...] as he was fleeing he was seized by a Persian man, and being taken by him he was about to be stabbed. Speaking in the Persian language he made himself known, that he was Histiaios of Miletus."[1]
And elsewhere: "giving ransoms on behalf of these people, as much as he was able."[2]
Greek Original:*zwgri/h: *(hro/dotos: to\n de\ *(istiai=on zwgri/h| e)/laben. e)zwgrh/qh de\ w(=de. w(s feu/gwn katelamba/neto u(po\ a)ndro\s *pe/rsew, kai\ w(s kataireo/menos u(p' au)tou= e)/melle sugkenthqh/sesqai, *persi/da glw=ssan metei\s katamhnu/ei e(auto\n w(s ei)/h *(istiai=os *milh/sios. kai\ au)=qis: u(pe\r dh\ tou/twn tou/tw| zwa/gria a)podidou/s, h(=|per ou)=n dunato\n h)=n.
Herodotus 6.28.2 - 29.2, here abridged (see web address 1). The headword is Ionic for
zwgri/a as in
zeta 121. For Histiaios see under
iota 687.
Aelian fr. 98 Domingo-Forasté (95 Hercher). The word here is
zw/gria as in
zeta 112 and
zeta 120.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 28 May 2005@00:18:00.
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