*zwarkh=: ta\ pro\s zwh\n a)rkou=nta. kai\ *zwarke\s o(moi/ws.
[1] Likewise in other lexica. The headword, neuter nominative/accusative plural of the adjective
zwarkh/s, must be quoted from somewhere. (Extant instances are numerous but all late; a great number of them are in Cyril of Alexandria.)
[2] Separate entry (making this explicit) already in
Hesychius zeta208, glossing
zwarke/s with the phrase
a)rkou=n pro\s zh=n. This neuter nominative/accusative singular must likewise be quoted from somewhere. Extant instances are very much rarer than the plural, but of the ones outside lexicography two are again in Cyril (cf. n.1) and two in
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