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Search results for xi,92 in Adler number:
Adler number: xi,92
Translated headword: to seize; to assist
Vetting Status: high
Translation: There is a two-fold usage of
sullabei=n in the ancient [writers]; for the meaning is different according to the different construction.[1] If the syntax involves the accusative, it shows the enmity and hostility of the person who seizes, the wickedness of the one who is seized, as in current usage, "to seize" the man. Also
Demosthenes in the [speech]
Against Meidias [writes]: "will we not seize him?".[2] If the dative, it indicates friendship and alliance, as
Isocrates [shows] in the
Counsels: "I see fortune too assisting us".[3] The equivalent of saying 'striving in concert with'. He adds, at any rate, [the phrase] "the present moment too is striving in concert [with us]". Also
Demosthenes in
Philippics 1.[4]
Greek Original:*cullabei=n: ditth/ e)stin h( xrh=sis tou= sullabei=n para\ toi=s a)rxai/ois: pro\s ga\r dia/foron kli/sin dia/foros kai\ h( dia/noia. e)a\n me\n ga\r pro\s ai)tiatikh\n h( su/ntacis h)=|, e)/xqran kai\ dusme/neian pari/sthsi tou= sullamba/nontos, kakourgi/an de\ tou= sullambanome/nou, w(s nu=n, cullabei=n to\n a)/ndra. kai\ *dhmosqe/nhs e)n tw=| kata\ *meidi/ou: ou)xi\ sullhyo/meqa au)to/n; e)a\n de\ pro\s dotikh/n, shmai/nei fili/an kai\ summaxi/an, w(s *)isokra/ths e)n tai=s *paraine/sesin: o(rw= de\ kai\ th\n tu/xhn h(mi=n sullamba/nousan. i)/son tw=| sunagwnizome/nhn. e)pa/gei gou=n, kai\ to\n paro/nta kairo\n sunagwnizo/menon. kai\ *dhmosqe/nhs a# *filippikw=n.
The forms in this entry veer back and forth between
c- (the headword) and
[1] i.e. it (aorist active infinitive of
cullamba/nw) will mean 'seize' or 'assist' according to the case with which it is construed.
Demosthenes 21.116 (web address 1).
Isocrates 1.3 (web address 2). (
Counsels is the work more usually known, nowadays, as
To Demonicus.)
[4] The numeral '1' (alpha in Greek) must be faulty, as there is nothing germane in the
First Philippic (whether that means
Demosthenes 1 or, on the narrower definition of
Demosthenes 4). Adler tentatively suggests an emendation to '2' (beta), with the passage of relevance being
Demosthenes 6.15 (where editors print Weil's
sullamba/nein for the transmitted
sumba/llein and
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; rhetoric
Translated by: James L. P. Butrica â on 18 February 2000@12:34:26.
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