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Headword: *cuggrafei=s
Adler number: xi,87
Translated headword: xuggrapheis, xyggrapheis, registrars
Vetting Status: high
When Peisandros[1] and his associates came to Athens, they first assembled the people and stated a proposal that they should choose ten men as independent xuggrapheis; these men should write up[2] a proposal and take it to the people on an appointed day, regarding the best way to govern the city. When the day arrived, they convened the assembly at Kolonos, which is a shrine of Poseidon, and the only proposal that the xuggrapheis presented was this very one, that any Athenian be permitted to overturn[3] any proposal he wished; they imposed large penalties in case anyone charged the speaker with illegal conduct or harmed him in some other way. Then it was stated unambiguously that no-one was to hold any office stemming from the present order of things, or to take a salary, and that the proedroi were to select 5 men; then these would select 100 men, and each of the 100 three in addition to himself; then these, being 400 in number, would go to the Bouleuterion and rule independently, however they knew best; and these would convene the 5,000 whenever they decided. The one who presented this proposal was Peisandros, and in other respects [too] he was openly very eager in his dissolution of democracy.
Greek Original:
*cuggrafei=s: oi( peri\ *pei/sandron e)lqo/ntes ei)s *)aqh/nas, prw=ton me\n to\n dh=mon culle/cantes ei)=pon gnw/mhn de/ka a)/ndras e(le/sqai cuggrafe/as au)tokra/toras: tou/tous cuggra/yantas gnw/mhn ei)senegkei=n ei)s to\n dh=mon ei)s h(me/ran r(hth/n, kaqo/ti a)/rista h( po/lis oi)kh/setai. e)pei\ de\ h( h(me/ra e)fh=ke, cune/lecan th\n e)kklhsi/an e)s to\n *kolwno/n, o(\ h)=n i(ero\n *poseidw=nos, kai\ e)ph/negkan oi( cuggrafei=s a)/llo me\n ou)de/n, au)to\ de\ tou=to, e)cei=nai me\n *)aqhnai/wn a)natre/pein gnw/mhn, h(\n a)/n tis bou/lhtai: h)=n de/ tis ei)po/nta h)\ gra/yhtai parano/mwn h)\ a)/llw| tw| tro/pw| bla/yh|, mega/las zhmi/as e)pe/qesan. e)ntau=qa de\ lamprw=s e)le/geto h)/dh, mh/te a)rxh\n a)/rxein mhdemi/an e)k tou= au)tou= ko/smou mh/te misqoforei=n proe/drous te e(le/sqai e# a)/ndras, tou/tous e(le/sqai r# a)/ndras, kai\ tw=n r# e(/kaston pro\s e(autw=| g#: e)lqo/ntas de\ au)tou\s u# o)/ntas ei)s to\ bouleuth/rion a)/rxein o(/ph| a)\n a)/rista ginw/skwsin au)tokra/toras: kai\ tou\s #22e# de\ culle/gein, o(po/t' a)\n au)toi=s dokh=|. h)=n de\ o( tau/thn th\n gnw/mhn ei)pw\n *pei/sandros, kai\ ta)/lla e)k tou= profanou=s proqumo/tata cugkatalu/sas to\n dh=mon.
cf. sigma 1283. The primary source for all this, followed almost verbatim (though see n. 3 below), is Thucydides 8.63ff., esp.67. See web address 1.
[1] cf. pi 1467.
[2] From a verb with the same roots as xuggrapheis.
[3] An unhelpful departure from the wording in Thucydides: what was being permitted was to make any proposal with impunity.
A.G. Woodhead, "Peisander", AJP 75 (1954) 131-46
Martin Ostwald, From Popular Sovereignty to the Sovereignty of Law (Berkeley and Los Angeles 1986) chap.7, esp. pp.350ff
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; constitution; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; history; law; politics; religion
Translated by: James L. P. Butrica ✝ on 17 February 2000@14:37:12.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation; added notes and bibliography) on 18 September 2000@09:17:38.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 1 December 2005@07:08:21.
David Whitehead (x-refs; tweaks and cosmetics; raised status) on 11 September 2007@10:12:00.
Catharine Roth (added link) on 11 September 2007@11:53:18.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 19 June 2013@04:41:27.
Catharine Roth (upgraded link) on 15 July 2013@00:27:35.


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