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Headword: *cenokra/ths
Adler number: xi,42
Translated headword: Xenokrates, Xenocrates
Vetting Status: high
Son of Agathon or Agathanor; from Chalcedon;[1] pupil and, after Speusippus,[2] successor[3] of Plato;[4] his [successor was] Polemo[n],[5] and his Crantor.[6] Also, when Alexander of Macedon[7] sent him 30 talents of gold, he sent it back, saying that a king, not a philosopher, needs money. He wrote about Plato's Republic.
Greek Original:
*cenokra/ths, *)aga/qwnos h)\ *)agaqa/noros, *xalkhdo/nios, maqhth\s kai\ dia/doxos meta\ *speu/sippon *pla/twnos: tou= de\ *pole/mwn, tou= de\ *kra/ntwr. kai\ pe/myantos au)tw=| tou= *makedo/nos *)aleca/ndrou xrusou= ta/lanta l#, au)to\s a)pe/pemyen, ei)pw/n, basile/a dei=sqai xrhma/twn, ou) filo/sofon. e)/graye peri\ th=s *pla/twnos politei/as.
For Xenocrates see Simon Hornblower in OCD(4) s.v. Xenocrates(1), and again xi 43. The present material begins, as Adler notes, by echoing Diogenes Laertius 4.6 (and for the Alexander anecdote cf. 4.8) but then draws on other sources, including two orations by Themistius.
[1] Opposite Byzantium at the southern entrance to the Black Sea. See chi 38.
[2] Speusippus: see sigma 928 (and under pi 1707).
[3] sc. as Head of the Academy (339-314).
[4] Plato: see pi 1707, pi 1709, pi 1711.
[5] Polemo(n): see pi 1887.
[6] Krantor: no dedicated Suda entry, but see (e.g.) under pi 1707.
[7] Alexander (the Great): alpha 1121.
D. Whitehead, "Xenocrates the metic", RhM 124 (1981) 223-244
M. Ostwald and J.P. Lynch in The Cambridge Ancient History vol.6 (second edition, 1994) 610-12
Keywords: biography; chronology; economics; ethics; geography; philosophy
Translated by: James L. P. Butrica ✝ on 15 February 2000@12:08:16.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added headwords,notes,bibliography, keyword) on 21 September 2000@06:27:55.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics, additional keywords) on 8 January 2007@21:14:44.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords) on 9 January 2007@03:13:44.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics; raised status) on 29 August 2007@07:02:12.
David Whitehead (typo; other cosmetics) on 19 June 2013@03:03:48.
David Whitehead on 5 August 2014@06:06:06.


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