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Search results for xi,39 in Adler number:
Adler number: xi,39
Translated headword: serving as mercenaries
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Meaning [them] serving for pay.
Antiphanes in
Euthydicus [says]: "I myself went on campaign serving as a mercenary."[1]
Also [sc. attested is]
ceniteu/w ["I live abroad"],[2] [and the related noun]
Greek Original:*ceniteuome/nous: a)nti\ tou= misqoforou=ntas. *)antifa/nhs *eu)qudi/kw|: e)gw\ ceniteuo/menos e)strateuo/mhn. kai\ *ceniteu/w, *cenitei/a.
The first part of this entry is abbreviated from Harpokration s.v., commenting on the occurrence of the headword participle (masculine accusative plural) in
Isocrates 5.122. See also
Photius xi20 Theodoridis.
Antiphanes fr. 96 Kock (and K.-A.).
[2] Thus in the active voice, rather than the middle with which the entry has begun.
[3] LSJ s.v. cites both senses ("living abroad" and "life of a mercenary in foreign service") for the noun.
Keywords: comedy; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; military affairs; rhetoric
Translated by: James L. P. Butrica â on 17 February 2000@09:28:01.
Vetted by:Catharine Roth (rearranged) on 22 May 2002@20:56:24.
David Whitehead (added keywords; cosmetics) on 23 May 2002@03:15:15.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics; raised status) on 28 August 2007@10:28:28.
David Whitehead (expanded note; tweaking) on 18 June 2013@09:24:54.
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