*cunh/gage: cunh/rmosen. *)aristofa/nhs *)axarneu=si: po/sou to\n prwkto\n sunh/gage. peri\ *klewnu/mou.
Acharnians 83 (here missing the word
xro/nou: see web address 1), partly drawing on the
scholia thereto (but see n.2 below); cf.
pi 214.
[1] The headword (extracted from the quotation) is aorist indicative active, third person singular, of
[2] A favourite Aristophanic sexual target (see
kappa 1736; OCD4 Cleonymus) -- but mistakenly adduced by the lexicographer here. Instead, as is quite clear from the passage itself, the subject is the constipated Great King of Persia, and the length of time -- eight months -- it took his anal sphincter to return to normal.
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