Suda On Line
Search results for xi,116 in Adler number:
Adler number: xi,116
Translated headword: pipe-concert
Vetting Status: high
Translation: A kind of aulos-playing in harmony, a singing to the aulos performed by two.
Greek Original:*cunauli/a: au)/lhsi/s tis su/mfwnos, u(po\ du/o perainome/nh au)lw|di/a.
xi 117,
sigma 1449.
Same entry in
Photius (xi50 Theodoridis); similarly in
Hesychius (xi125) etc. Mentioned in
Aristophanes, and elsewhere.
For auloi see generally M.L. West,
Ancient Greek Music (Oxford 1992) 81-109, inc. 103-4 on the standard practice of playing them in pairs (which is not what the Suda is talking about here).
Keywords: comedy; definition; meter and music; tragedy
Translated by: James L. P. Butrica â on 19 February 2000@10:16:15.
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