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Search results for upsilon,79 in Adler number:
Adler number: upsilon,79
Translated headword: swinishness
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] stupidity.
Aristophanes [writes]: "so that the swinishness of
Theagenes does not happen".[1] For this man had been accused of being stupid and gluttonous. He was from Piraeus. He seemed to be both poor and [sc. nevertheless] weakened by wealth; he was also physically fat and swinish. But some call 'swinishness' the stink from pigs; they who in using various foodstuffs defecate with evil smells and dissolve into mud. There was also another [sc.
Theagenes], who wrote [a commentary] on
Homer; he was accused of effeminacy."[2]
"The current generation, corrupted by an intemperant luxuriousness, focusing its understanding on base and effeminate things, associated with cowardice and complete swinishness, in love with money, eager for servitude, with certainty not performing anything important or free, slavish and weak, measuring happiness with the belly and the genitals, and not making use of a spirit noble in mind, like a body which is left to lie in only one place, becomes enfeebled and is no longer able to move. The life of men who take part in the government right now has been proven to be of that kind and much more debased."[3]
u(hni/a [also means] kinship.[4]
Greek Original:*(uhnei/a: mwri/a. *)aristofa/nhs: i(/na mh\ ge/nhtai *qeage/nous u(hni/a. diebe/blhto ga\r ou(=tos w(s mwro\s kai\ suw/dhs. h)=n de\ e)k *peiraiw=s. e)do/kei de\ kai\ pe/nhs ei)=nai kai\ qru/ptesqai e)pi\ plou/tw|: h)=n de\ kai\ to\ sw=ma paxu\s kai\ xoirw/dhs. tine\s de\ u(hnei/an th\n duswdi/an th\n e)k tw=n xoi/rwn fasi/n: oi(/per diafo/rois e)de/smasi xrw/menoi dusw/dh a)popatou=si kai\ ei)s bo/rboron dialu/ontai. h)=n de\ kai\ a)/llos, o( ei)s *(/omhron gra/yas: o(\s e)pi\ malaki/a| dieba/lleto. h( nu=n genea\ u(po\ trufh=s a)kola/stou diefqarme/nh, tapeina\ kai\ gunaikei=a fronou=sa, deili/a| su/noikos kai\ pa/sh| u(hnei/a|, filoxrh/mwn, mikropreph/s, douleu/ein e)qe/lousa, a)sfalw=s ou)de/n ti me/ga ou)de\ e)leu/qeron diaprattome/nh, a)ndrapodw/dhs kai\ a)sqenh/s, gastri\ kai\ ai)doi/ois a)ei\ th\n eu)daimoni/an metrou=sa ou)/te qumw=| gennai/w| xrwme/nh: oi(=on sw=ma pareime/non e)n mia=| xw/ra| kei/menon, e)kneneurisme/non, ou)de\ kinei=sqai e)/ti duna/menon. toia/nde ei)=nai kai\ pollw=| xamaipeteste/ran e)pedei/knue th\n zwh\n tw=n nu=n e)n th=| gene/sei politeuome/nwn. *(uhni/a de\ h( sugge/neia.
upsilon 78. The headword is more commonly written
Peace 928 (web address 1).
[2] Quoted from the
scholia to the above verse. According to
theta 81 (q.v.), these are two different persons, one the Homeric scholar
Theagenes of Rhegium (6th century BCE; see n. 1 under
theta 81) and the other someone effeminate. See also the
scholia to
Birds 822 (web address 2), and
epsilon 361.
Damascius fr. 30a Zintzen (22 Asmus). Also under
psi 164 (q.v.); cf.
upsilon 78.
[4] For this sense of
u(hni/a (not registered in LSJ s.v.) see also ps.-
Zonaras s.v.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; epic; ethics; food; gender and sexuality; geography; medicine; philosophy; zoology
Translated by: Ioannis Doukas on 21 July 2009@06:58:44.
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