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Search results for upsilon,695 in Adler number:
Adler number: upsilon,695
Translated headword: sons of God
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the apostles, as men bearing the name brothers of Christ. For he says, "Say to my brothers, 'I go before you into Galilee.'"[1] But [sc. also attested is the phrase] 'sons of rams', [meaning] those of the gentiles who have believed, inasmuch as they were begotten from unreasoning fathers.
David [says]: "bring to the Lord sons of rams."[2] But [sc. also attested is] 'sons of those who have been expelled', [meaning] those having been exceedingly distressed.
David says: "just as arrows [are] in the hand of a mighty man, so [are] sons of those who have been expelled."[3]
Greek Original:*ui(oi\ qeou=: oi( a)po/stoloi, w(s a)delfoi\ tou= *xristou= xrhmati/santes. ei)/pate ga/r, fhsi/, toi=s a)delfoi=s mou, proa/gw u(ma=s ei)s th\n *galilai/an. ui(ou\s de\ kriw=n, tou\s e)c e)qnw=n pepisteuko/tas, a(/te dh\ fu/ntas e)c a)lo/gwn pate/rwn. *dabi/d: e)ne/gkate tw=| kuri/w| ui(ou\s kriw=n. *ui(oi\ de\ tw=n e)ktetinagme/nwn, oi( sfo/dra talaipwrou/menoi. *dabi/d fhsin: w(sei\ be/lh e)n xeiri\ dunatou=, ou(/tws ui(oi\ tw=n e)ktetinagme/nwn.
[1] cf.
Matthew 28.7.
[2] Theodoret (PG 80, 1064b) on
Psalm 28:1
[3] Theodoret (PG 80, 1893a) on
Psalm 126:4
LXX; cf.
epsilon 641.
Keywords: Christianity; definition; geography; imagery; military affairs; religion; zoology
Translated by: Bobbiejo Winfrey ✝ on 16 June 2003@07:34:11.
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