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Search results for upsilon,654 in Adler number:
Adler number: upsilon,654
Translated headword: feet, skirts
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] the plain under the mountain.
Metaphorically, the 'feet' of the mountain.
For the mountain is divided into three parts: into ridge, into slopes, into limit. And the ridge is the summit, while the sides of the mountain are the slopes, and the last parts are the limit. And feet.
Greek Original:*(upw/reia: h( u(po\ to\ o)/ros pedia/s. oi( po/des tou= o)/rous, metaforikw=s. ei)s tri/a ga\r dih/|rhtai to\ o)/ros, ei)s a)krw/reian, ei)s u(pw/reian, ei)s te/rma. kai\ a)krw/reia me/n e)stin h( korufh/, u(pw/reia de\ ta\ pleura\ tou= o)/rous, te/rma de\ ta\ teleutai=a. kai\ po/des.
For the first part of the entry see already under
upsilon 571. The second part, lacking (Adler reports) in mss FV, has already appeared at
alpha 1028 (q.v.) and
tau 346.
Keywords: definition; geography; imagery
Translated by: Ioannis Doukas on 12 August 2010@08:46:14.
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