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Search results for upsilon,652 in Adler number:
Adler number: upsilon,652
Translated headword: I bruise, I mortify
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The [verb that means] I keep under observation.[1] [Formed] out of the [noun]
u(pw/pia,[2] which signifies the eyes.
The Apostle [sc. Paul] says:[3] "but I mortify my body, and I treat it as a slave."[4] That is, I exercise it in training with knowledge and prudence, towards the joint working of the best, and I do not have licentiousness in mind. And so he advises saying: "clothe yourselves with the lord Jesus and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh."[5] [He was] not forbidding the rational and necessary care aimed at [self-]preservation, but gluttony, mother of intemperance; for it led to desires, plainly harmful and foolish ones. For one must not give such treatment to oneself, so as to show contempt for the soul, but in order to assist and serve its best pursuits. That is also what
Plato says: one must take care of body [and] soul, for the sake of harmony, through which it is possible to live and to live rightly.[6]
u(popie/zw ["I squash"] [is written] with a short 'o'.[7]
Greek Original:*(upwpia/zw: to\ u(pothrw=. e)k tou= u(pw/pia, o(\ shmai/nei tou\s o)fqalmou/s. fhsi\n o( *)apo/stolos, a)ll' u(pwpia/zw mou to\ sw=ma, kai\ doulagwgw=. toute/sti pro\s a)/skhsin au)to\ met' e)pisth/mhs kai\ fronh/sews gumna/zw kai\ pro\s th\n tw=n kreitto/nwn sunergi/an, ou) pro\s a)se/lgeian pronoou=mai. tau/th| toi kai\ parainei= fa/skwn, e)ndu/sasqe to\n ku/rion *)ihsou=n kai\ th=s sarko\s pro/noian mh\ poiei=sqe ei)s e)piqumi/as: ou) th\n su/mmetron kai\ a)nagkai/an e)pime/leian pro\s su/stasin a)pagoreu/sas, a)lla\ th\n a)kolasi/as mhte/ra gastrimargi/an: e)ph/gage ga/r, ei)s e)piqumi/as, dhladh\ blabera\s kai\ a)noh/tous. ou) ga\r tosau/thn au)tw=| prosfe/rein dei= qerapei/an, w(s kataskirta=n th=s yuxh=s, a)ll' i(/na sunergh=| kai\ kaqupourgh=| toi=s a)ri/stois e)kei/nhs e)pithdeu/masi. tou=to kai\ o( *pla/twn fhsi/n: e)pimelei=sqai dei= sw/matos yuxh=s, ei(/neka a(rmoni/as, di' ou(= biou=n te e)/sti kai\ o)rqw=s biou=n. *(upopie/zw de\ dia\ tou= o mikrou=.
[1] Similar glossing in some other lexica. (This sense of the headword verb -- in any spelling -- is not borne out by usage, however.)
[2] cf. generally
upsilon 649,
upsilon 650, and
upsilon 651.
[3] This and what follows comes from George the Monk,
Chronicon 359; cf.
tau 540.
First Epistle to the Corinthians 9.27 (web address 1); also quoted under
alpha 4177.
Epistle to the Romans 13.14 (web address 2).
[6] Based on
Republic 9.591D (web address 3).
[7] See already
upsilon 560.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3
Keywords: Christianity; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; historiography; imagery; philosophy; religion
Translated by: Ioannis Doukas on 12 August 2010@20:47:58.
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