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Search results for upsilon,633 in Adler number:
Adler number: upsilon,633
Translated headword: blood-money, murder-price, were-geld, wergild
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The monies given because of a homicide to the relatives of the killed person by the one bearing the responsibility that he killed, in order that they not prosecute and that there be no suit for homicide are called
Dinarchus[1] and
Theophrastus[2] [sc. use the term] in this way.
Greek Original:*(upofo/nia: ta\ e)pi\ tw=| fo/nw| dido/mena xrh/mata toi=s oi)kei/ois tou= a)naireqe/ntos u(po\ tou= th\n ai)ti/an e)/xontos, o(/ti a)nh/|rhken, i(/na mh\ e)peci/wsin, e)pi\ tw=| mh\ e)pece/rxesqai mhde\ gene/sqai th\n tou= fo/nou di/khn u(pofo/nia kalei=tai. ou(/tws *dei/narxos kai\ *qeo/frastos.
The headword is neuter plural.
Dinarchus fr. 10.5 and 19.13 Conomis. Harpocration, the Suda's immediate source, identifies the speeches as
Against Callisthenes and
Against Phormisios.
Theophrastus 644 FHS&G. Harpocration says
Theophrastus' discussion was in book 16 of the
Laws (fr. 12 S-M).
D.M. MacDowell, Athenian Homicide Law in the Age of the Orators (Manchester 1963) 8-10
Keywords: daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; law; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: David Mirhady on 25 July 2008@18:44:11.
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