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Headword: *(/upoulos
Adler number: upsilon,624
Translated headword: hollow, sly, unsound
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning one who is] devious, pretending to seem peaceful; like [a term] applying to wounds which have superficially healthy scars, but purulent putrefactions inside. Hence this word was said of people pretending to be good, while actually villainous.
Greek Original:
*(/upoulos: do/lios, faino/menos dh=qen ei)rhniko/s: w(s e)pi\ tw=n e(lkw=n tw=n e)xo/ntwn ou)la\s u(giei=s e)pipolai/ws, e)/ndoqen de\ shpedo/nas puw/deis. e)c ou(= e)pi\ tw=n prospoioume/nwn me\n ei)=nai xrhstw=n a)nqrw/pwn, o)/ntwn de\ moxqhrw=n, e)le/xqh ou(=tos o( lo/gos.
From Photius upsilon273 Theodoridis, itself taken to come from Pausanias the Atticist (upsilon13). Compare also e.g. Synagoge upsilon178.
See also upsilon 622, upsilon 623 and upsilon 625.
Keywords: definition; ethics; imagery; medicine
Translated by: Ioannis Doukas on 21 October 2008@09:03:47.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 21 October 2008@10:17:32.
David Whitehead on 29 November 2013@05:48:01.
David Whitehead (coding) on 30 May 2016@06:18:06.


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