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Headword: *(upotroxi/zesqai
Adler number: upsilon,618
Translated headword: to be broken on the wheel
Vetting Status: high
Not as we use the verb troxi/zesqai with the meaning of falling under a wheel and being injured, as the orators also used it, but they call troxi/zesqai to twist those being interrogated on the wheel, in order to confess what knowledge they share with others or what crimes they themselves have committed.
Greek Original:
*(upotroxi/zesqai: ou)x w(s h(mei=s u(popesei=n troxw=| kai\ trwqh=nai troxi/zesqai kalou=men, ou(/tw kai\ oi( r(h/tores au)tw=| e)xrh/santo, a)lla\ to\ streblou=sqai e)pi\ tou= troxou= tou\s e)cetazome/nous, i(/na katei/pwsin a(\ suni/sasin a)/llois h)\ peri\ w(=n au)toi\ h)di/khsan, troxi/zesqai le/gousin.
cf. Phrynichus, Praeparatio sophistica fr. 363 Borries (giving this definition of the aorist passive infinitive u(potroxisqh=nai).
cf. tau 1072, tau 1073.
Borries, J. de, Praeparatio sophistica (fragmenta), Leipzig: Teubner, 1991, 130-180
Keywords: daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; law; rhetoric; science and technology
Translated by: Ioannis Doukas on 28 December 2008@18:10:48.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks) on 29 December 2008@04:48:18.
David Whitehead on 29 November 2013@05:22:20.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 22 December 2022@18:01:52.


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