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Search results for upsilon,586 in Adler number:
Adler number: upsilon,586
Translated headword: having endured
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning he] having stood firm.[1] "[He] having endured to come into view."[2] [Meaning] to be opposed.
"Having made war on those who had made a stand, he defeated them."[3]
Diodorus [writes]: "[they] too promising to join in this resistance."[4]
Greek Original:*(uposta/s: u(pomei/nas. [u(posta\s ei)s] o)/yin e)lqei=n. e)nantiwqh=nai. toi=s u(posta=si polemh/sas, tou/tous e)ni/khse. kai\ *dio/dwros: e)paggello/menoi kai\ au)toi\ pro\s th\n u(po/stasin tau/thn sumbalei=sqai.
One of three entries (the other two are
upsilon 583 and
upsilon 584) for the participial headword
[1] cf.
upsilon 584.
[2] Quotation (and individual) unidentifiable.
[3] Quotation (and individual) unidentifiable.
Diodorus fr. 11 Walton (63 Dindorf).
Walton, F.R. (ed.), Diodorus of Sicily, vol. 12, Cambridge, MA, 1967, 296-302
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Ioannis Doukas on 29 October 2008@15:01:49.
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