[Meaning she who/that which is] kindling inside, burning below, distressing, subduing.
*(uposmu/xousa: e)ndiereqi/zousa, u(pokai/ousa, qli/bousa, kataponou=sa.
The headword is the present active participle, feminine nominative singular, of the verb
u(posmu/xw. Identically glossed in
Photius (upsilon243 Theodoriidis) and other lexica, including the
Etymologicum Magnum, where it is identified as a rhetorical word; cf.
Etymologicum Gudianum s.v.
Examples of the word in this precise form are almost entirely confined to lexicography; perhaps, therefore, generated by one of the several instances, in the corresponding accusative case, in Christian writers (e.g. three in Gregory of Nyssa, two in John of Damascus; and see also the poet George of
On the Persian Expedition 2.193).
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