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Search results for upsilon,568 in Adler number:
Adler number: upsilon,568
Translated headword: suspect
Vetting Status: high
Translation: ['Suspect'] and 'suspicious' [sc. are both attested].[1]
"He avoided that murderous and suspicious manner of the tyrant by pretended foolishness".[2]
And elsewhere: "hence he became suspect of doing this for money".[3]
And elsewhere: "the city was considered friendly to them, but suspect to [the] Romans".[3] Meaning hostile.
Greek Original:*(/upoptos kai\ *(upo/pths. o( de\ e)pipla/stw| mwri/a| die/dra tou= tura/nnou to\n foniko/n te kai\ u(po/pthn e)kei=non tro/pon. kai\ au)=qis: dio\ kai\ w(s e)pi\ xrh/masi tou=to poiw=n u(/poptos e)ge/neto. kai\ au)=qis: toi=s me\n h( po/lis e)do/kei fili/a, *(rwmai/ois de\ u(/poptos. a)nti\ tou= e)xqra/.
[1] In Greek the distinction is between
u(/poptos (illustrated by the second and third of the quotations given) and
u(po/pths (in the first).
Aelian fr. 333 Domingo-Forasté (336 Hercher).
[3] Quotation unidentifiable.
[4] Quotation unidentifiable.
Keywords: biography; economics; ethics; historiography; history; politics
Translated by: Ioannis Doukas on 6 July 2008@11:02:30.
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