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Search results for upsilon,559 in Adler number:
Adler number: upsilon,559
Translated headword: you hold under your fore-arm.
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "It is clearly Nemesis,[1] of whom we sing in accompaniment to the lyre: 'unnoticed you move near the foot, you make a proud neck to bend, you always hold life under your fore-arm'."[2]
Greek Original:*(upo\ ph=xun kratei=s: h( de\ *ne/mesis safw=s e)sti, peri\ h(=s pro\s lu/ran a)/|domen: lh/qousa de\ pa\r po/da bai/neis, gaurou/menon au)xe/na kli/neis, u(po\ ph=xun a)ei\ biota\n kratei=s.
[1] On the goddess Nemesis see also
alpha 523,
nu 162,
nu 163,
rho 33; and see LSJ s.v.
ph=xus, V.2, for her connection with that word.
[2] From
Letters 95 (235b Hercher). He in turn, both here and already at
nu 163, slightly misquotes -- for
kratei=s read
metrei=s ("you measure") --
Mesomedes (
mu 668) fr.3.8-11 Heitsch. See translation at web address 1.
Heitsch, E. (ed.), Die griechischen Dichterfragmente der römischen Kaiserzeit, I, Göttingen 1961, pp. 25-32
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: ethics; imagery; meter and music; poetry; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Ioannis Doukas on 22 June 2008@14:28:24.
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