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Adler number: upsilon,526
Translated headword: to answer
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The ancients [sc. used this verb to mean] to reply.[1] And hence [comes the noun] actor (
u(pokrith\s), he who is replying to the chorus.
Thucydides [in book] 7 [writes]: “if they did not answer, they were killed”.[2] Also the Ionian [writers]; thus
Herodotus [writes]: “after they answered [with] these things, they departed from the Athenians”.[3]
Polybius [writes]: “some of the young men went to meet the people around Gaius, joking with one another, as if they were answering those returning from a carouse; being even more changed by their drunkenness [...]”.[4]
Greek Original:*(upokri/nesqai: to\ a)pokri/nesqai oi( palaioi/. kai\ o( u(pokrith\s e)nteu=qen, o( a)pokrino/menos tw=| xorw=|. *qoukudi/dhs z#: ei) d' ou)de\n u(pekri/nonto, diefqei/ronto. kai\ oi( *)/iwnes: ou(/tws *(hro/dotos: oi( me\n tau=ta u(pokrina/menoi *)aqhnai/wn a)phlla/ttonto. *polu/bios: tine\s de\ tw=n neani/skwn a)ph/ntwn toi=s peri\ *gai/+on, prospai/zontes a)llh/lois, w(s a)\n u(pokrino/menoi tou\s e)k sunousi/as e)pana/gontas: e)/ti de\ ma=llon h)lloiwme/noi u(po\ th=s me/qhs.
[1] Simply a difference of prepositional prefix (hypo- or apo-) in the Greek.
[2] An approximation of
Thucydides 7.44.5-6 (web address 1).
[3] An approximation of
Herodotus 8.144.5 (web address 2).
Polybius 8.27.4-5 (web address 3); cf.
delta 582 and
sigma 1601.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2,
Web address 3
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; historiography; history; stagecraft
Translated by: Ioannis Doukas on 20 April 2008@15:15:25.
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