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Search results for upsilon,498 in Adler number:
Adler number: upsilon,498
Translated headword: prompter
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning a] leader, counsellor.
"[He/she/it] was unable to understand who was the prompter of the play."[1]
Greek Original:*(upoqe/ths: a)rxhgo/s, su/mboulos. ou)k h)du/nato gnwsqh=nai ti/s o( tou= dra/matos u(poqe/ths.
The headword is attested only in this entry.
[1] Quotation tentatively attributed by Adler to
Aelian but unidentifiable. (It is not clear whether the headword is being used literally or figuratively.)
Keywords: biography; definition; imagery; stagecraft
Translated by: Ioannis Doukas on 20 April 2008@15:26:47.
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