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Search results for upsilon,488 in Adler number:
Adler number: upsilon,488
Translated headword: from under the brows
Vetting Status: high
Translation: "She grew pale and was looking slantwise from under the brows."[1] That is to say she was pallid and was looking askance because of her anger.
Greek Original:*(upodra/c: h( de\ pelidnwqei=sa kai\ o)/mmasi loco\n u(podra\c o)ssome/nh. toute/stin w)xria/sasa kai\ u(pobleyame/nh dia\ th\n o)rgh/n.
Considered a later variation of the Homeric
u(po/dra (
upsilon 487). Apart from the quotation in this entry, the word is also found in
Theriaca 457 and 765, and
Callimachus fr. 194.101 Pfeiffer (
Iambi). See also the entries in
Etymologicum Gudianum under
Hecale fr. 374 Pfeiffer.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; ethics; poetry; women
Translated by: Ioannis Doukas on 8 May 2008@10:39:24.
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