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Search results for upsilon,465 in Adler number:
Adler number: upsilon,465
Translated headword: dwellers under earth
Vetting Status: high
Translation: He[1] would seem to mean those whom
Scylax in the
Round Trip calls Troglodytes, and Hesiod in [book] 3 of the
Catalogue names as Undergrounders.[2]
"For the places are marshes": [sc. so says]
Dinarchus in the [speech]
Against Stephanos.[3] A marsh is a wet place. However, in some of the copies "hollowish",
hypokoiloi, is written.
Greek Original:*(upo\ gh=n oi)kou=ntes: le/goi a)\n tou\s u(po\ *sku/lakos e)n tw=| *peri/plw| legome/nous *trwglodu/tas kai\ tou\s u(po\ *(hsio/dou e)n g# *katalo/gou *kattoudai/ous o)nomazome/nous. *(upokudei=s ga/r ei)sin oi( to/poi: *dei/narxos e)n tw=| kata\ *stefa/nou. u(pokudh/s e)stin o( di/ugros to/pos. e)n e)ni/ois me/ntoi tw=n a)ntigra/fwn ge/graptai u(po/koiloi.
A combination of two adjacent but separate entries in Harpokration; the second is partially (but unintelligibly) repeated as
upsilon 530.
[1] Antiphon the Sophist: the full version of this, in Harpok., is a gloss on a fragment of his (87 F37 Diels-Kranz).
Scylax FGrH 709 F6; Hesiod fr.150.9 Merkelbach-West.
Dinarchus fr. XVIII.7 Conomis.
Keywords: definition; geography; historiography; philosophy; poetry; rhetoric
Translated by: David Whitehead on 21 December 2000@10:45:47.
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