[Meaning ones] substituted and adopted. In reference to children dropped on the ground, the ones that women cast away from themselves.
*(upobolimai=oi: u(poballo/menoi kai\ ei)spoi/htoi. e)pi\ tw=n xamairifw=n paidi/wn, a(/per e(autw=n a)poba/llousin ai( gunai=kes.
Likewise or similarly in other lexica; references at
Photius upsilon175 Theodoridis. The headword is masculine nominative plural of this adjective. If it is quoted from somewhere in this form, extant possibilities begin with
Diodorus Siculus 20.14.4. In any event, for typical uses of the word cf.
Herodotus 1.137.2 (web address 1) and
Republic 537E (web address 2); and
Menander and Philemon wrote comedies titled
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