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Search results for upsilon,455 in Adler number:
Adler number: upsilon,455
Translated headword: bastard, counterfeit, suppositious
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning something] not true, but fabricated. From those who substitute children into families.
Sophocles [says]: "your bastard mouth has come here."[1] And elsewhere: "no one will say, Ajax, that you have spoken a bastard word, but one from your own heart."[2] Meaning the things you said were true to your intent, not counterfeit; so you said [words] proper for you. But now stop, having put everything upon us.
Greek Original:*(upo/blhton: ou)k a)lhqe/s, a)lla\ peplasme/non. a)po\ tw=n u(poballome/nwn ei)s ta\ ge/nh tou\s pai=das. *sofoklh=s: to\ so\n d' a)fi=ktai deu=r' u(po/blhton sto/ma. kai\ au)=qis: ou)dei\s e)rei= po/q' w(s u(po/blhton lo/gon *ai)/an e)/lecas, a)lla\ th=s sautou= freno/s. a)nti\ tou= gnh/sia th=s dianoi/as sou ta\ ei)rhme/na, ou)x u(po/blhta: oi)kei=a ou)=n sautw=| ei)=pas. o(/mws ge mh\n pau=sai, to\ pa=n a)naqei\s h(mi=n.
For this word see also
upsilon 456. Here it is neuter singular, as in the quotations given.
Oedipus at Colonus 794 (web address 1), already at
sigma 1139; what precedes it is quoted from the corresponding
Ajax 481-482 (web address 2); what follows it is quoted from the corresponding
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: children; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery; tragedy
Translated by: Ioannis Doukas on 12 June 2008@22:29:33.
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