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Search results for upsilon,423 in Adler number:
Adler number: upsilon,423
Translated headword: windy, empty
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Things which are] false and unreliable.[1] "For from this [source] there arise for him windy and monstrous things, instead[2] of the true understanding, like some kind of images and shadows. So they practice falsities in place of the understanding of truths ..."
Greek Original:*(uphne/mia: ta\ yeudh= kai\ a)be/baia. gi/netai ga\r au)tw=| e)nteu=qen ta\ u(phne/mia kai\ teratw/dh, a)nti\ th=s a)lhqou=s e)pisth/mhs, oi(=on ei)/dwla a)/tta kai\ skiai/. pra/ttousi gou=n pro\ th=s tw=n a)lhqw=n e)pisth/mhs ta\ yeu/dh.
[1] The headword is neuter nominative (and accusative) plural of
u(phne/mios, presumably extracted from the quotation given (Julian [the emperor],
Orations 7.206c). See also
epsilon 2185; more about this headword at
upsilon 424,
upsilon 425,
upsilon 426.
[2] In the text of Julian,
tauti\ instead of
a)nti\: "these windy and monstrous images and shadows of the true understanding."
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; imagery; philosophy; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 11 May 2011@02:15:36.
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